Re: Spaceduel the continuing saga

Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 13:58:52 EDT

No, I have to admit they are all unknown.... my Tempest is a 6 hour drive
away for real verification :-( (I think I have separation anxiety) Anyone
located in the Youngstown, Ohio area with a game that uses the AVG willing
to help me test parts?????? Please???????

I was hoping that the symptoms could be caused by other more easily tested
and repaired components, but knowing my trackrecord only the most critical
hard to find parts die. There actually seems to be an indirectly
proportional relationship between part life and cost.

Having contacted Clay about the replacement parts I already have the form
filled out to send, but ouch! if I need three of these for my three boards
I'm going to be very poor :-( BTW If someone wants a project game, I have
an extra Spaceduel UR that will need a home.

Thanks again for any assistance or good advice you can give.

Jeff Bovee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Loggans" <>
To: "'JEFF BOVEE '" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:39 AM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Spaceduel the continuing saga

> Jeff,
> Were any of the chips that you swapped known working?
> Thanks,
> -Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 10/3/00 8:23 AM
> Subject: VECTOR: Spaceduel the continuing saga
> Well, working on Chris's suggestion that my problem lay in the AVG chip,
> I
> played "Swap the Chips" last night. Out of three AVG chips, 2 of them
> give
> the same result, game is playing but the video is all skewed to one side
> of
> the screen. The other chip just causes the coin reject to click, click,
> click......
> I'm not totally convinced that the problem lies in the AVG, I still need
> to
> do some probing around. While looking at the waveforms that were coming
> out
> of the X & Y testpoints it seemed that something was pulling the X
> output
> to - almost all the time. I've been wondering if something in the
> output
> section could go bad giving this same type of result. Any other
> suggestions?
> See ya,
> Jeff
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Received on Tue Oct 3 14:12:23 2000

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