RE: Pictures of Joel's Penny Arcade

From: Rosenzweig, Joel B <>
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 13:20:44 EST

> Is that Lunar Lander in an Asteroids Cab ?

It is all Lunar Lander components i.e. (PCB, control panel and marquee) in
an Asteroids cabinet. I had an empty Asteroids cabinet, so I put it to use
to put this machine back together. I know it's not exactly correct, but I
can live with it for now.

> What's the machine that looks like an all-black Tempest with
> a Star Wars
> controller ?

This machine has served two purposes. Originally, I bought the all black
Tempest cabinet just because it was in fantastic shape. For $25, how can
you go wrong? I thought it would make a good generic game cabinet. I
eventually located enough parts and pieces for Star Wars, so I mounted the
controller and all the SW electronics. That worked well, until I found a
real SW machine. I had a real Tempest in the collection at this point, and
didn't need one without side art, so I used the cabinet again to house Road
Blasters. I machined an attachment to temporarily convert the analog Star
Wars controller for use the optical components for Road Blasters. At the
time of the picture, that's how the game was operated. I've since become
really incredibly bored with Road Blasters (no other game I own has done
this to me so far), and have removed it from the cabinet. I no longer know
what to do with this cabinet. I'll figure something out.. I've been tempted
to put Space Duel into it, but that project is a ways away given everything
else going on these days. So for now, this cabinet sits in the arcade,
lifeless. (very sad..)

The vectors in the arcade include, Star Wars, Tempest, Lunar Lander,
Asteroids, Battlezone, and The Empire Strikes Back (not in photo, but in
it's own Star Wars cabinet with ESB graphics - ala Matt). I have Space
Duel, and Gravitar in PCB form only. Raster cabinets include, Galaxian,
Missile Command (now with control panel!), Pole Position, Defender, Ms Pac
Man cocktail, a 1995'ish Taito release of Space Invaders called Space
Invaders DX (this game lets you choose either of 4 original modes of play,
and the game is done in color so it draws all the backgrounds correctly --
this game occupies the Space Invaders Deluxe cabinet.) There's also a
Pac-Man cocktail table which is waiting to have the artwork reapplied - for
now, it allows me to play a variety of vertical raster games all in one
cabinet, including Dig Dug, Frogger, Scramble, Centipede and Millipede
w/joystick interface, Time Pilot 84, Namco Classics Vol 1 (Galaga, Xevious,
Mappy), Xevious, Galaxian, and a few others that I'm forgetting right now.
I have a handful of horizontal raster games in PCB format only that are
waiting for some play ... Joust, Moon Patrol, Return Of the Jedi, Marble
Madness and a couple others that I'm also forgetting. And of course,
there's a Black Knight pinball machine to round things out.


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