RE: Arcade related pregnancy stories

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 13:59:24 EST

Ok, I suppose I could throw my story into the mix as well. Good thing Neil is tied up :)

Anyway, a little over a year ago, my wife was pregnant with our second child. She wasn't due for another month, so I was going to have her go with me to my speeding ticket hearing (A little background: I got a speeding ticket for 80 in a 65 on the NJ Turnpike on the way home from picking up a Galaga).

The morning of the hearing, my wife found a little blood where there wasn't supposed to be any blood. This wasn't too unusual for us, as she had a lot of bleeding with the first child (aka 'the boy'). We figured she would just be put on best rest, so I was going to drop her off out front and just head up to court.. Fortunately, I decided to go in with her since they decided to have an emergency C-Section :)

When all was said and done, we had a healthy baby girl (although a month premature) and my ticket was changed into a broken tail light fine (no points). I even had time while my wife and daughter were recovering to work on vids :)


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