Re: melting through 2901s?

From: Zonn <>
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 20:52:36 EST

On Wed, 7 Feb 2001 18:30:07 -0700 (MST), Kurt Mahan <> wrote:

>> >>I've got a couple of Tempest aux boards that have AMD 2901s that seem to
>> >>have been melted through to the chip center. There is a Battlezone aux
>> >>board on eBay right now that shows the same characteristics.
>I've had a number of those too. (had to have something vector)

I was wondering if an Atari mathbox could be emulated on a sufficiently fast
micro-controller, since the AMD 2901s are going to become scarcer and scarcer.
I'm pretty sure it could be done.

But after giving it more thought, you'd be better off emulating the whole
Tempest board set using an even faster processor. You wouldn't have to worry
about the Mathbox/6502 interface, etc. You would have to worry about the AVG
interface though, which brings us back to Ray's Holy Grail [see a previous post]
(ob Vector)
>> And speaking of vector related stuff, anybody ever put a CD in a microwave for
>> few seconds? That's cool!
>Only do this in the company microwave, not your own. Also, the best
>firestorm comes from CD-Rs. Something about the coating. It can be
>quite spectacular. We had one company demand their cd back so they
>could "prove" that it was destroyed properly (don't ask why -- they
>were basically being jerks).. So we nuked it before we sent it.
>They were quite unhappy with us.. :)

It's true, we were majorly bummed when we found out AOL disks weren't nearly as
exciting to watch as on old CD-R...

So they still didn't think it was destroyed properly? Maybe you only set the
microwave to stun, next time set it to kill (the '10' button).

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Received on Wed Feb 7 21:06:16 2001

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