Re: EEROM's in place of EPROM's?

From: Kurt Mahan <>
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 00:51:23 EST

Actually, in 1990 williams used regular SRAMs and a special interface board
to the TMS34010 processor. If you look in the corner of a williams board
of that vintage you'll see 2 2x10 headers that aren't soldered in. Put
the headers in, make a few changes on the board, replace the roms with
SRAMS, have the special PC Interface board, a gsp debugger (TV by Todd Allen
was what I used) and you're ready to code... :)


> Yes, that is what I was looking for. I will have to build a small pic interface to go
> between the parallel port and the atari test connector for upload/download/inspect but
> that should not be too difficult. I just need to look around for some matchine EEROM's
> which is what I was not sure about.
> When I visited Williams in 1990 they prototyped all their video games in this way. The
> boards sure looked hacked but it was an excellent way to develop. :-)
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