RE: Re: Finally: Cosmic Chasm

From: Fish, David <>
Date: Wed Feb 28 2001 - 12:24:08 EST

> >Also, does the G08-105/CC0/005/whatever-it's-called even use an input
> >protection board like the standard G08, or is the input
> protection board
> >also added into the circuitry?
> Yes; at least mine does.
> >Regardless, does this change the level of inputs for the
> monitor? David
> >Fish said that he is testing Cosmic Chasm on a regular
> monitor, and he is
> >getting retrace because the Standard G08 takes inputs from
> 0VDC (off) to
> >4VDC (full brightness), and Cosmic Chasm is only going as
> low as 0.7VDC
> >(meaning that if the G08-105 is NOT showing retrace,
> possibly it is ignoring
> >inputs less than 1VDC?).
> The board may very well reduce the levels, as I'm sure it adds some
> attenuation. However, if you look closely in the manual, it specifies
> alternate values for resistors on the game board, depending on which
> monitor is installed in the cabinet. It was designed to work with a
> WG as well as the G08.

The problem I'm seeing isn't a matter of SCALE of the color signals,
it's a matter of offset. The RGB signals all have a positive 0.7V
offset, the peak voltage is OK. The resistors mentioned in the manual
(R4, R12 and R20) are presently populated with 2.7K ohm resistors, the
correct value for a G08 style monitor. I'll know more tomorrow after
I try a different monitor and a different boardset.

Mark S., any chance you could throw a scope on your monitor inputs :-)

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Received on Wed Feb 28 12:39:44 2001

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