Re: Finally: Cosmic Chasm

From: Jenison Mark-QA3578 <>
Date: Wed Feb 28 2001 - 10:45:11 EST

Hi all,

First of all, I'd like to thank all those who have responded with their
help; I greatly appreciate it!

Jeff: I forgot all about your page. Very useful information there.

Here's a pic of my power supply:

Hmm...two shadows at the bottom I assume must be where the original
transformers were...well, they're not to be found anywhere now! Oh well,
fortunately I have a spare Sega XY monitor transformer. Other than being
dirty, things look ok (no burned or missing components that I could see). I
take in the board in the upper left is the audio amp, and the rest is just
power supplies. Is there anywhere I can find info on these beasts? I do
have a copy of the Cosmic Chasm manual/schematics and field fixes.

Notes about the monitor:

First of all, what the hell is this thing called?? I've seen reference to
G08-105 (Jeff A's page) and G08-CC0 (Todd Miller). Just curious, as I want
to get it straight in the FAQ.

Also, thanks to Jeff/Todd Miller, the tube number is: 19VNJP22. It sounds
like (from Jeff A's page) that this tube needs a different yoke, meaning
that I can't swap a 19VNJP22 onto my standard G08 (well, maybe I could, but
I'd bet I couldn't converge the thing properly).

Also, does the G08-105/CC0/005/whatever-it's-called even use an input
protection board like the standard G08, or is the input protection board
also added into the circuitry? From the pics on Jeff's page, it looks like
it doesn't use it, but I can't tell if the circuitry has been added or not.
Regardless, does this change the level of inputs for the monitor? David
Fish said that he is testing Cosmic Chasm on a regular monitor, and he is
getting retrace because the Standard G08 takes inputs from 0VDC (off) to
4VDC (full brightness), and Cosmic Chasm is only going as low as 0.7VDC
(meaning that if the G08-105 is NOT showing retrace, possibly it is ignoring
inputs less than 1VDC?).

Mark Jenison
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Received on Wed Feb 28 10:59:41 2001

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