Re: tech : asteroids sound question

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Sat Mar 17 2001 - 02:43:45 EST

Watch your grounds. The amplifier ground must connect directly to the game
board. The power supply to the audio amp should connect directly to the audio
amp (ground shouldn't be common to anything else). Speaker will connect
directly to the audio amp (nowhere else).

If you are using a coin door volume pot it must NOT connect to any ground other
than the audio amp ground.

Andy Welburn wrote:

> hi all..
> i am having a most troublesome time with an asteroids board..
> here is the problem, my mate has an alca 'planet' machine (bootleg
> asteroids) but is using a proper atari asteroids board. after fixing a video
> problem, and a sound problem, the board works perfectly on my testrig. The
> cabinet however has no audio/regulator board, so there is no audio amp..
> so we have tried to put in an amplifier, but i have a problem, asteroids
> outputs a push-pull audio arrangement, and the amplifier we have is just a
> (normal?) type, so any way we try and hook it up, we just get a loud hum
> behind the game sounds.
> analogue electronics is not my strong point :)
> i am hooking up GND and Audio1 from asteroids into the amplifier.
> a friend suggested to put a 1000uf cap across the amplifier inputs in order
> to 'cap couple' it? it didn't work, made the humming much more quiet, but
> hasn't solved it :)
> i'm getting lost, has anybody else succesfully hooked up audio from an
> asteroids *without* the aid of an AR1 or AR2??
> i suppose the only other solution is to build a push-pull amplifier for it,
> but that's a last resort..
> many thanks.
> Andy Welburn
> (P-man)
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Received on Sat Mar 17 02:49:32 2001

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