color electrohome at AMAO show 1980

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 16:04:23 EST

hi all..

i was just reading through a big pile of startech journals, and was amused
to read in startech journal volume 2 number 10 (december 1980) that at the
AMAO expo show had an electrohome color XY monitor on display.. (in the
Foreword, inside front cover)

i'm just wondering.. if they had it on display, then they must have had
something running it... a game, or a demo-sequence or a protoype or

was anybody (gasp) there at the expo that remember it??

i just thought it'd be interestng to know what they were actually using to
show off this new technology :) i understand space fury was the first colour
vector? might it have been a proto of that? i'm not sure when exactly it
came out..

Andy Welburn

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