Re: Tube ears?

From: peter jones <>
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 20:27:59 EST

-----Original Message-----
From: "Lewis Mills" <>
To: <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 18:40:43 -0600
Subject: VECTOR: Tube ears?

> OK, this one is probably obvious to many of you, but it threw me for a loop.
> I was on the phone with the folks at Richardson, ordering a tube for a
> WG6100, and the sales woman asked me if I wanted it with or without ears. If
> I wanted ears, she wanted measurements. I had to beg off; told her I'd get
> back to her. I just looked at a tube I have here, and I'm guessing that the
> ears are the metal "L" brackets on the front corners tucked under the metal
> strap that wraps around the tube. These brackets are bolted onto the
> monitor frame. Is that right? If so, what measurements do they need for it?
> Has anybody ordered one of these tubes from Richardson, and what did you do
> about the ear measuremnt? I need it for a Tempest upright, if that matters.
> Thanks,
> Lewis
I have purchased replacement tubes before (not from them),
i thought they always came with mounts.
I have never been asked if i want them, or what size!

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