B&W vector prob 19v2000 and G05-802

From: someotherguy <someotherguy_at_mediaone.net>
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 20:03:37 EDT

Hey everybody...finally taking a dive into the B&W vectors, fixing a
totally dead Asteroids. Got an apparently working boardset now; coins
up and plays blind. I've got two decent candidates for monitors (I

19V2000: No picture. Fuses on deflection board test good. Frame-mount
transistors not shorted. Spot killer off. Neck glows. Can hear vector

G05-802: No picture. Blows F101 on deflection board instantly.
Frame-mount transistors not shorted. Spot killer off. Neck does not
glow. No vector chatter heard.

I tried a Google search on r.g.v.a.c. but so far I'm convinced that
Google is evil, and I miss Deja.

Any suggestions?


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Received on Fri Apr 13 20:22:24 2001

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