Re: B&W vector prob 19v2000 and G05-802

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 20:53:02 EDT

19V2000, bad HV diode most likely suspect here, are you getting the
secondary high voltage(s) out? There should be something like 400VDC going
to the tube for the screen.

G05-802, this sounds like a bad/shorted diode on one of the four bridge
rectifier diodes, or a piece of metal shorting the monitor mother board to
the chassis, OR a transistor that is NOT insulated from the metal chassis.
They all need an insulator and should show a relatively high resistance to
the metal chassis.

John :-#)#

At 05:03 PM 4/13/2001, you wrote:
>Hey everybody...finally taking a dive into the B&W vectors, fixing a
>totally dead Asteroids. Got an apparently working boardset now; coins
>up and plays blind. I've got two decent candidates for monitors (I
>19V2000: No picture. Fuses on deflection board test good. Frame-mount
>transistors not shorted. Spot killer off. Neck glows. Can hear vector
>G05-802: No picture. Blows F101 on deflection board instantly.
>Frame-mount transistors not shorted. Spot killer off. Neck does not
>glow. No vector chatter heard.
>I tried a Google search on r.g.v.a.c. but so far I'm convinced that
>Google is evil, and I miss Deja.
>Any suggestions?
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