Asteroids troubles

From: Brian Stern <>
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 10:25:43 EDT


I have an Asteroids upright with a couple problems. I was wondering if
anyone on the list might have some advice.

First, after about a half hour of operation, both of the 3A fuses on the
power supply board blow. I've reproduced this twice, but I'm tired of
going through two fuses a pop :-)

Second, when the game is in operation, the display appears with a vertical
tear (probably not a good description) in the center of the display.
It's as if the display is divided into a left and right halves, then
pushed together too far so they overlap by maybe a centimeter. With the
crosshatch patern on, the points in the center of the screen where the
lines are supposed to intersect look more like little diamonds. Other
than that the display is just fine.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


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