Re: 74??00

From: <>
Date: Sun May 13 2001 - 13:37:45 EDT

On Fri, 11 May 2001 22:23:18 -0600 (MDT), you wrote:

>Does anybody have a table of the various designators and the specs for each?

        The TTL, and TTL-compatible, families include:

74 = standard TTL technology.
74S = Schottky TTL. Faster than standard TTL, but consumes more power.
74LS = Low-power Schottky TTL. Slower than standard TTL (anywhere from
        20-50% slower), but typically consuming about 1/4-1/3rd the power.
74H = "High-speed" TTL. Fastest TTL family, but quite power hungry.
74L = "Low Power" TTL. Lower power, and slower, than 7400 TTL, but not
        quite as low and slow as 74LS.
74F = Fairchild's "Fast" TTL. Comparable to 74S speeds, but with
        slightly lower power requirements. (Though higher than 7400 TTL)
74HCT = High-Speed CMOS TTL-level. Designed to be drop-in replacements for
        7400-series chips, but with much lower power requirements.
74AS = Advanced Schottky
74ALS = Advanced Low-Power Schottky
        (These are T.I. parts, and I'm not too familiar with them...)

        Non-TTL compatible families:
74C = CMOS. Pinout-compatible versions of their 7400-series counterparts,
        but built with 4000-series CMOS technology (i.e. s-l-o-w!) and
        having CMOS-level voltage requirements. (Basically, a way to
        encourage designers to move to CMOS technology while letting them
        continue to use the 7400-series building blocks they were already
        familiar with.)
74HC = High-Speed CMOS. Also pinout-compatible versions of 7400 chips,
        but with better CMOS technology that gets their speed up to levels
        comparable with TTL.
74AC = Advanced CMOS. Comparable to 74S-series speeds, but with CMOS
        voltage and power requirements.

74LV = Low Voltage. Designed to run on anything from 1V to 5.5V. (Built
        with CMOS technology, I think.)
74LVT = Low Voltage TTL-compatible. Same as 74LV, except that they can
        take 5-volt TTL input signals even while running at lower supply
        voltages (usually a _huge_ no-no with CMOS logic). In my
        experience, generally used as level translators between legacy
        5-volt systems and modern 3.3V core logic, though I'm sure they're
        good for more than that...

"There is no virtue in suffering fools gladly, for it only encourages them to
persist in their foolishness." --Kehlog Albran
solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)
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