Space Duel Woes -- WG 6100 lessons in love

From: Chris Starr <>
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 23:26:17 EDT

I've got a WG 6100 monitor with a new LV2000 installed and functioning
properly, new power transistors properly installed (properly isolated from
ground) and my X Y board is putting out the proper signals because I can see
them just fine on my vector scope. I can hear HV whine, so I know that it is
good to go, tube appears fine as well, heater is good, yokes have good
impedances. I tried the intensity adjustments on the neck board, and got

The spot killer is ON, so any suggestions on where to look next? I was
planning on the checking out power resistors, and starting to perform a
trace on voltages and where they are or aren't happening. Like I said before
the power transistors mounted to the chassis are known to be good and have
been properly mounted and isolated.

If there is a flow chart somewhere on this monitor, can someone steer me to


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