XY deflection Proto

From: Jilayne Stanclif <jstancliff_at_mchsi.com>
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 23:11:11 EDT

Allright this is what I think will work the best as far as deflection. This
is the design I am using on my Proto right now less the 2 extra transistors
on the output.
Nothing special here pretty much a copy of the 6400 Mark Spath can tell you
that ;) ,
but with cheap transistors. The tip35c and 36c can go up to 100V so if you
kept adding them, decrease the yoke windings and increase the voltage you
could probably get what ever slew you wanted. I messed up on the 2 3 ohm 10
watt resistors scratch that. It needs 2 10 watt .75 or close resistors in
series. I made more heat putting them the way they are now. The resistors
not marked are the one's that would have to be adjusted for higher voltages.



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