Battlezone problems

From: Heath Roberts <>
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 13:40:03 EDT

I have a Battlezone that intermittently behaves as though someone's
repeatedly hitting a reset button somewhere: random noises, game in progress
is of course lost, activates the coin mech solenoids, and eventually comes
back as though just powered up. I thought it might be bad card-edge
connections or heat, but cleaning the connectors didn't help, and neither
did leaving the back cover off and blowing a fan inside.

I've tried swapping in another main board, which takes care of the resetting
problem, but that board is apparently messed up as well--with it, I get no

I have basic electronic troubleshooting & repair skills, but unless it's a
very simple fix I'd just like to find someone who is in the business of
repairing these things and has test fixtures, etc., to quickly diagnose the

A company called Elektron Forge was recommended to me, and their web page
looks good, but an email to '' on 5/11 went

Any suggestions?


Heath Roberts
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Received on Wed Jun 12 21:34:37 2002

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