WG6100 and Amplifone tube differences

From: PeRFiDiouS <perfidious_at_austin.rr.com>
Date: Sun Jun 23 2002 - 01:41:19 EDT


Could someone please take a moment and explain the differences between the
WG6100 tube and the Amplifone tube. I think one is 90 degree and one is 100
degree makeing one of them slightly more concave than the other. I was
always under the impression this was why Tempest looked funny on an
Amplifone and SW and MH looked kinda funny on the WG6100. I know clay made a
corrector of sorts at one time so was this only an issue of slew rates and
really had nothing to do with the degree of the tube itself? or is the
concave tube still an issue? please help me out with any info.


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