
From: Kev <>
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 17:26:45 EDT

Once upon a time I participated in the sharing of digital music,
specifically Grateful Dead. The community had developed some pretty good
methods for distributing & preserving music.

CDs are first mastered, then the audio files are extraced & compressed. The
MD5 files are used as a sanity check.

Distribution is done via a sign up tree starting with a few sets of masters
which are then duplicated & sent on. The distribution continues on to the
leafs (end of the tree), the leafs get uncompressed files. for more info.

I would suggest that we discuss methods for formatting & tracking this data.

What happens when spies is updated or someone wants to add/update/change

Who will be the ultimate keeper of this information? This could be a web
site with zip file MD5s and be "open source form"?

If we can develop a good, workable protocol now that would make the DVD/CDR
distribution a good viable alternative.

If we fail then we will end up with alot of DVDs/CDRs in people hands with
no idea what is good & "up to date".


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