Re: Fwd: B&W vectors "sparkle" after cap kit

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Sat Jun 29 2002 - 02:22:48 EDT

Simple enough, just find the capacitor that exploded and replace it.
Watch polarity closely.

Anthony Ramos wrote:
> (Background: Over the course of a week, my Battlezone Cabaret
> monitor's high voltage decreased to nothing, then blew F102.
> Replacing the fuse restored HV, but the cycle repeated.
> Vectorlist suggested trying a cap kit before replacing the
> hard-to-find HV diode.)
> By this time I got back around to this game, the screen was
> blooming badly. Installed the kit and fired it back up. The
> blooming stayed for a few minutes, then there was a
> static-electricity *snap* as the display instantly pulled back
> to the correct size.
> Now there is a symptom I've never seen before: a dense
> light-and-dark pattern races along the vectors, giving them a
> sparkling or twinkling effect.
> I'm sure that it has to do with the kit; this is surely
> capacitor-related. Specifically, the kit replaces a 630V-rated
> cap with a 250V cap, which surprised me.
> What do you-all think is going on here?
> -Anthony R.
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Received on Fri Jun 28 23:30:48 2002

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