Re: Nucleous Cannon

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sat Jul 14 2001 - 12:19:58 EDT

That monitor is PERFECT for testing XY games, it is blow-up proof. That is
what I use on my test bench...Hoei Monitor schematics on

John :-#)#

At 06:46 AM 14/07/2001, you wrote:
>It's a bootleg alright! The point I was trying to make when I mentioned
>that the roms were identical, was that Hoei didn't even bother to cook up
>their own program code. The major diff in gameplay I've noticed is the
>sound. The low "air raid siren" like sound you hear in SC is not present
>in NC. Other sounds are identical.
>Yes, it does have the weird Jap monitor without the XY control section
>which unlike the original, is on the game boards.
>Andy Welburn wrote:
>>but would you agree that it is a bootleg..? straight copy of the
>>cinematronic version? Does it also have the weird japanese vector monitor
>>in it? Andy
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: <>George Campbell
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 1:05 AM
>>>Subject: Re: VECTOR: Nucleous Cannon
>>> I have one. It is by Hoei and uses Cinematronics Star Castle roms. I
>>> sampled them and they were identical.
>>>Andy Welburn wrote:
>>>>hi all..
>>>>spotted this on eBay UK.. a bootleg starcastle cocktail called Nucleous
>>>>Cannon :
>>>>well, i thought it looked interesting :P
>>>>i know of another one in the country too.. still pretty darn unusual
>>>>tho :)
>>>>Andy Welburn
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Received on Sat Jul 14 12:46:35 2001

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