Update on Repro MH roller Run 2!

From: Mark E Davidson <Burbs1_at_concentric.net>
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 12:54:47 EDT

With run 1 behind me, I wanted to give everyone the latest on run 2. ALL
the machine work is done! (Yea!) The only thing I am waiting for is the
encoder boards and wheels from Happs, that I expect to receive by
Monday, at the latest. Give me a day to assemble and test, and then ill
offer them to the group for on month at the vector list price. After
that what ever remains will be up on my site, but at the Non vector list
price (Which will be closer to $115). I have about 30 complete units so
there's enough to go around this time.


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Received on Tue Jul 17 10:19:51 2001

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