Re: Zektor in action

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 17:46:49 EDT

> Perhaps my server isn't serving it out correctly. Right click and save? Dunno.

Thanks for the original link. It's working perfectly from there!

> Anyway, the video is kinda lame

You're right - it's a bunch of dorks playing video games. ;-) And they
really liked that big guy wearing the blue shirt - he came up a lot! Dunno
who he is - is he important?

> (not the Zektor product). You can see
> a brief glimpse of a Zektor 'logo' attract mode followed by a quick
> shot of Tempest playing on what looks like a G05 encased in a box.

Actually, it's not really playing. Zonn mentioned that he was going to
take a few still shots from Retrocade and "still frame" them as a
slideshow for the demos. He didn't have time to get the parallel port code
done. Also, note there's nothing plugged in to the ZVG parallel port. ;-)

> Then the videographer moves across the table to see the Zektor flyer
> and two of the prototypes in a clear acrylic box to a fade out. Sorry,
> no pictures of either Zonn or Bill.

I think that's Bill behind the flyers, so you get an inverse bust shot of
him. ;-)

> And speaking of, they've both been rather quiet since the debut. I
> suspect they took all the prepayments and went on a gambling binge.

They don't have internet access during their stay. I'm waiting for Zonn to
email me so we can get the parallel port stuff working!

So what happened to the laser guy who was going to do a vector generator
board? He fell REALLY silent after the time the ZVG made its initial
vectorlist debut...


Neil Bradley What are burger lovers saying
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