Start button game switcher WORKS (mostly)

From: Anthony Ramos <>
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 16:02:39 EDT

I upgraded the de-bounce caps from .1 µf to 1µf as suggested. If you tap
both start buttons, it advances to the next program and hits the reset line,
pretty much does exactly what I wanted. If you hold the buttons down,
though, it advances two games. Oh well.

A 555 timer circuit would probably help, but this circuit works well enough
that I don't want to bother. Could be a good upgrade in the future, though.

This project is not really vector-specific, in fact it's for a Pac-Man
machine. But, it could apply to vector games that use the same hardware. I
rather like not having to install wiring or switches into the cabinet.

An interesting twist is that the counter has two pulse lines, and can count
up or down. Connecting each start button to one of the lines would let you
go forward or backward through the games, depending on which button you tap
while holding the other one down. My project only has three games, but one
with 8 or 16 would really benefit from this modification. Hmmm...

Anyway, thanks to everyone who helped me make this work. If there is enough
interest, I'll write up a web page on it, and how to modify it for 2, 4, 8
or any number of games on the same machine.

-Anthony R.

Anthony Ramos________
600 SE 39th Ave., # 3  \__ ..
Portland, OR 97214      \___ information design .. multimedia production
(503) 236-6303           \____________interactive art .. image synthesis
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