Star Wars Amplifone deflection board problem

From: Daniel Piraino <>
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 16:21:22 EDT

I had made a posting about this yesterday and have an updte on it.
I replaced the transistors MPS-U57 at Q14 and 2N3716 at Q16 and the fuse stopped
blowing. Now all I get is the right half of the screen showing with a jittery
picture. The letters cant even be read, doesnt look like their being drawn right.

I tested the 2N3792 and 2N3716 at Q6 and Q7 and they look fine. Im not so sure
about the 2N3792 at Q17 though, Im going to test that again. I really wish I knew
what happened that blew all this stuff out. Two new transitors got fried on me.
I hope someone could shed some light on this subject.
Dan Piraino

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