Re: incorporating a pause button option,

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 23:13:30 EDT

As far as I recall only Pacman (and variations) had the pause button. You
could try breaking the NMI and see what happens...
If the processor is a Z-80 then you can use the HALT line, pull it low to
freeze the CPU. Can't recall if 6502's had a similar pin and don't have the
data books handy...

John :-#)#

At 06:29 PM 10/21/01, you wrote:
> > I need to know if there is any way to incorporate a pause button any
> way on some of the older Atari arcade games such as
> > tempest, major havoc, asteroids, any way to wire one on to the board,
> or boards, please contact me if you know, Thank You.
>I think many games have a "pause" dip switch on the board. I suppose
>you could wire a toggle switch into it and mount it outside the cabinet
>somewhere. If you have the schematics, it shouldn't be too hard to
>figure out.
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