RE: repairing WG6100 monitor

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 23:58:50 EST

On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, Jon Kotek wrote:

> Ok after I redid the get well kit and ajusted the HV pot down I am not
> burning things up now :-) Now I have a weirder problem, when I powered her
> up it looks like the screen is magnified like I am looking at the very center

Blooming. Means your HV isn't high enough. (You adjuested it down, remember
?) Not weird at all.

Save yourself some time -- grab the Greg Woodcock FAQ and read it, several
times. I've got it mirrored in a directory on my web site. I know he was
working on it though and there might be a newer version, If not,

Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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Received on Sun Nov 4 21:12:05 2001

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