Re: G05 issue 1 and issue 5 differences!!?

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 10:07:39 EST

I forgot to mention that it is safe to remove the key in the monitor chassis or move the pin on the deflection board. You won't be able to adjust the brightness though unless you sever a trace on the board. I think I documented it on my site.


At 02:36 PM 11/13/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>hi all..
>i'm scratching my head here, have a faulty issue 1 G05 pcb, but my other two
>monitors are setup to recieve issue 5 deflections.
>i have a manual for the 801 and 802/5 but the 801 manual is no use of
>course, and the 802/5 only deals with issue 5 boards, and is dated september
>1980. The manual on spies also only covers issue 5 boards, and is dated
>my problem is, the keying is different for connector P500, the issue 5 board
>has a key on pin 5, wheras the issue 1 board has the key on pin 4. all the
>other pins seem to match up to the same purpose, but without an issue 1
>schematic, i can't be sure, and i don't want to fry a good hv/tube just
>hooking this thing up..
>does anyone have an issue 1 manual/schematic/pdf i could borrow/buy ?
>or does anyone else know the quick solution to this?
>many thanks..
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