Re: Tempest is Blind

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 17:05:11 EST

Come on Dean, you aren't such a vector virgin as you lead on.. Anyway,
check out the vector monitor page on gamearchive. You can read through
the monitor troubleshooting flowchart there.

So are you needing to get these monitors working to put into games to
sell at the next Mesquite auction?

tm wrote:
> Nope, no picture with brightness turned up. (At least I think it's the
> brightness)
> I have all of Randy Fromme's flow charts on raster monitors. Do such
> flowcharts exist for the XYs? I also have a GO5 that I need to fix.
> It's problem is that all graphics are messed up and have moved over to
> the left hand side of the screen. Really need to get these 2 monitors
> back working. Thanks for any help. Remember... I am the Vector Virgin.
> ;-) Dean
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