Nonlistmember subscriptions

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 12:48:06 EST

I've been seeing quite a few bounces lately to the list from regular
listmembers posting from alternate email addresses. The list will
absolutely not let you post from another address. This prevents spammers
from being able to post to the list. The only way you can post to the list
is to use your subscribed-to address.


Neil Bradley Whoever said "Money can't buy happiness" didn't have
Synthcom Systems, Inc. a lot of money.
ICQ #29402898

** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the
** message body to Please direct other
** questions, comments, or problems to
Received on Thu Dec 6 09:48:07 2001

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