Asteroids -05/-06 PCB counter (74161) option?

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 16:43:50 EDT

As I recall you can *either* have four 74(ls)161 chips at locations
F9/H9/J9/K9 *or* you can have something else at locaitons E8/F8/H8/J8. But
what is the entire story? Are there other support chips at other locations
involved? I know the 74(ls)02 at C8 is somehow involved (I think it is
required in the latter described above but should not be present in the
former, right)? What are the chips at E-J8?

Also, which way do the ROMs swap for those later boards (i.e where should
035145 go for -01..-04 as opposed to -05 and -06?

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