RE: Re: Death of

From: James R. Twine <>
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 19:58:42 EDT

> From:
> > So for say an 8x burner that would take 10 minutes to burn, thats
> > 12.50 my cost.
> Oh come on. It's not like if you burned 6 dics you'd be
> sitting there doing NOTHING but watching the disc burn. [...]
> After all, you can't claim your time is worth $75/hr if what
> you'd instead be doing during that time would be watching TV
> or sitting on the toilet.

   True, but since I made a similar argument for what it *really* means
to do/sell something "at/for cost", I will say this in my own defense: I
work a (more than) full time job and operate JRTwine Software (and do
outside design work) in my so-called "free" time. Taking the time to
burn the CDs would take away from that time, and family time.

   That being the case (and with consulting rates going upwards of
$100/hour) I would personally be pissed if I was making arcade related
CDs *available* for $15 (it would not be "selling", because it would be
at a loss), and someone complained.

   Just my $.02...


> -->Neil

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