Re: 25" Amplifone tube DAG connector/spring?

From: Dave Langley <>
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 13:47:42 EDT

Firstly thanks to all those who offered me advice on the DAG spring. The
solution appeared in the Amplifone manual itself, I should have looked as
it was sitting next to me open on the desk!

At 07:56 am 31 07 02, you wrote:
>If it hasn't been powered up in 12 years it might be a real good idea to
>replace all the electrolytic capacitors BEFORE applying power.
>Electrolytics will deforn the dielectric layer if unpowered for long
>periods. The result is that they often won't handle full voltage without
>a lot of leakage current. There's a chance they could explode, short, or
>otherwise cause damage to other circuitry.

Yes I was planning to do that .... If I had the money I'd replace the 'Red
is dead' HVT right away but I don't so I have to try it (though I don't
really expect it to work!)

Dave Langley

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