WG6100 party lights!

From: <steve_at_coule.freeserve.co.uk>
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 18:10:44 EDT

I'm fairly new to vector monitors and the WG6100 in particular having only fixed B&W deflection PCBs until now.

Getting to the point, the HV cage of my 6100 is illuminated with amazing flashing blue light, accompanied by very loud crackling - I mean LOUD. This happens continuously from power up and does not stop until I get scared!

I've opened it up to clean it, checked it with a LOPT ringer and it checks out in the 5/10 kind of range with the HOT unplugged.

What could be causing the violent arcing? Is there anything I can do to fix it? After shutting it down I tried measuring the HV with a probe but there was nothing in the tube that I could detect.

Are the LOPTs available for this HV unit? I know wintron make the amplifone LOPT but what about WG?

Any pointers as to what to do / try?



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