Re: WG6100 party lights!

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 23:11:21 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "peter jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: WG6100 party lights!
> I cant understand so many replies missing something obvious!
> lets take it in steps.
> open the unit and clean it completely, the cage, the focus block, the
> transformer and ht leads.

Unlikely to be causing a problem but can't hurt...

> then run the pyro-display again for a few seconds!!!!
> next examin the cage and ht components for burn marks.
> it could be the transformer, but i doubt it!

I don't. Every time I have seen/heard sparks from the HV cage it has been
cracks in the casing (or broken seals at the top where that long skinny bolt
goes in).

> if you get no ht at the tube, but a good arc then it's getting voltage
> somewhere!!!

That's a good point; I have seen arcing from the connection of the anode to
the tube. But that's not "in the HV cage"...

> i would start by suspecting damaged cables or a faulty 'focus block'.

Have never seen one of these myself...

> (focus blocks are easy to get from tv spares companys)
> if it is the transformer, then you may get lucky, i have just got a ht-box
> no transformer in it, i am going to try to adapt it for a different

Let me know about this test! I have 3 like this...

> like others have said, when you do get arcing transformers they cant hide
> guilt!
> look for anything from a crack like an axe wound :-)
> to a small mark like a cigarette burn.

When I have had these cracks, they have been VERY tiny, almost impossible to
spot unless you know *exactly* where they are. The good thing about this is
that once you spot them, they are easily patchable! Just lightly sand the
casing and apply a thick coat of red RTV silicone. No more HV leakage!

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