Re: Re[2]: scope help.

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 16:49:02 EDT

> come off it andy - e-bay u.k. does NOT have decent deals on test gear! :-)


i've seen 20mhz analogue scopes go for ~70quid..

> anyway, i have a good second hand source for 'dozens' of scopes about
> outside london.
> z-input will be added if i need to.
> c.u.

I am currently running an 'electronic visuals' EV8060 vector display, which
is about the size of a normal scope face, but no grid, and a much deeper
green hue :) unfortuantely i can't for the life of me work out why the Z
doesn't quite want to work.. 35quid on ebay

I have a Hameg HM205-2 which is a 20mhz analogue scope, *but with digital
storage* that has been my trusty workhorse for years now. (carrycase etc
too!) that was 20quid off a crackhead. it has no Z tho! although it has a
bnc plug on the back, it does jack shite..

I recently picked up a Philips PM3215 50mhz scope.. blue display, with a Z
input, and of course faster, but i prefer my old trusty over this thing.
Again, i have padded carrycase manuals etc... local auction house, ?20...

i see a runing theme here.. go and see your local crackhead, or the local
auction house for a bargain..

either that, or you can buy a bunch of vectrexes and custom bench housing i
made for them when i was still using a vectrex for display...


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