Re: HV transformers - help!

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sat Sep 28 2002 - 01:12:36 EDT

I have a stack of GO8 HV units awaiting me to finish getting my base GO8
running so I can test them and then sell them off.

Would $150US per working tested GO8 HV units be fair? shipping would be
something like $10 - $15US to the USA, $20 - $25 to the UK.

John :-#)#

At 08:07 AM 28/09/2002 +0400, peter jones wrote:

>looking more into a universal HV unit, i need some help.
>on the 6100 and amplifone the HT is 19.5 KV
>but on the G08 it's 22.5 KV - can someone who has a G08 (and knows what
>they are doing) please wind the voltage down to 19.5 KV and report any
>problems with the image.
>i would like to make a box with only 1 HT voltage, and the G08 and 6100
>use the same series of tube so i cant see a problem.
>what i have so far is this,
>19.5 KV
>i am now looking for the right LOPT with a 180v B+ output.
>the only problem i really see is with the G08, i cant be bothered fucking
>around with the X/Y inputs to make a shutdown system.
>better to retro-fit a copy of the atari spot-killer circuit to those monitors.
>outputs will of course be regulated, and full X-ray protection will be
>does anybody need anything like this for B/W monitors?
>i have never noticed anybody complaining about anything but HV diodes on
>those units.
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