Re: What does a lone "P" indicate in ESB self test main/1st screen?

From: Scott Brasington <>
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 10:20:36 EDT

On many atari games, the "P" in selftest means bad POKEY.
Usually the diag involves back to back query of the random
number generator and if the result is the same (small delay
between) then it assumes the pokey is bad and turns on the
"P". Atleast this is how centipede, millipede, asteroids
deluxe work.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregg Woodcock" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: VECTOR: What does a lone "P" indicate in ESB self test main/1st

> I am working on an Empire Strikes Back that will not do anything but
> watchdog reset (no picture) unless in self test. In self test I (now) get
> 16 high beeps but a screen-bunding green rectangle with a small white "P"
> the lower left corner. It used to have a few low tones and an "R" too but
> replacing the bad RAM fixed that. Will somebody with a manual check this
> for me?
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Received on Wed Oct 2 07:47:23 2002

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