Re: Asteroids GO5-802 help - link to picture that might help

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Fri Oct 04 2002 - 03:37:15 EDT

Ron wrote:

>OK, I have uploaded a the schematic for the EHT unit. I have added stars to
>show where I am checking...
>When I test between pins 7 (gnd) and 8 (B+) I get only 18-19 ohms
>resistance. On the schematic....
>I get 18-19 ohms as I follow the circuit from pin 7 (gnd) to R900. On one
>side of R900 (green star) I get 18-19 ohms.
>>From the other side of R900 (red stars) I get around 1 ohm resistance.
>When I check the other end of the components in the circuit (blue stars) I
>get higher resistance readings. I believe Q900 is my problem...but I do not
>know how to confirm this. The metal "tab" on the transistor where the
>mounting screw goes has no insulator to keep the screw from grounding it.
>Should I get more than .6 ohms when testing between the chassis and the
>center pin (c)?
>If Q900 is bad, what is the current replacement part number?
>Thanks in advance for any and all help.
>p.s. A cap kit is on the way.

18 to 19 ohms, huh. And R900 is 18 ohms. The transistor NEEDS an
insulator. Unscrew the tab, move it away from the chassis, and see if
your short goes away. You really need an insulator, though.

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