Amplifone Degaussing Problem

From: Dave Langley <>
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 20:02:27 EDT

Hi ...

The 25" Amplifone in my Star Wars seems to have developed a degaussing problem:

When you power the game up it degausses the tube and you play normally,
however, bout once a minute the screen wobbles (like of you turn on another
game next to it). Gradually the colour purity of the tube drops off till
you have almost a rainbow!

I'm assuming here that the positor has failed and I'm degaussing more than
when you have a old start and this is causing the problem. In any case if
I disconnect the degaussing coil the problem does not manifest itself if
first I do a cold start (to get a normal degauss) and then turn the game
off and disconnect the it.

The part on my deflection board is:

35M27 (is that 25ohm 270v?)

I have a spare one NOS which is part Number:

14M270 (is that 14ohm 270v)

Will this be usable? If not does anyone have a positor they can sell me?

Thanks in advance for any info ....

Dave Langley

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