Re: Space Duel oscillating image

From: <>
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 10:32:48 EST

I'd recap the high voltage board on the monitor as that usually fixes
picture bounce.

                    Douglas Gauck
                    <> To: <>
                    Sent by: cc:
                    owner-vectorlist@sy Subject: VECTOR: Space Duel oscillating image
                    11/19/2002 10:22 AM
                    Please respond to

In the process of testing my Major Havoc board in my Space Duel cabinet, I
was blowing F2 on the power supply. It turns out my cabinet had a problem
with the lockout circuit. I disconnected pin F from P20 and now all is

However, along the way I plugged the harness back into the Space Duel board
and got a little spark (even though the power was off). Now my beautiful
Space Duel has video problems - the entire image pulsates in and out, as if
someone is turning the X and Y size controls up and down, up and down. Both
axes are affected, in every game mode, and the BIP is a bit off as the
corners of rectangles do not close.

I've swapped out the main power supply and the A/R II board which did not
help. Also checked voltages on the PCB and they're ok (+15, -15, and 6.8

Please help before I start to cry.


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Received on Tue Nov 19 07:40:36 2002

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