Re: Sega Star Trek SUPER SPEED (AKA Help!)

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
Date: Wed Jan 01 2003 - 22:23:24 EST

Could this have something to do with the XY timing or control boards.

If I understand things correct, the cpu sets up the vector to be drawn
and tells the XY boards to do it. The boards "report" back when they
are done. ?? If this is so, what if a problem on the XY boards caused
vectors to be drawn twice as fast... would that make an apparent doubling
of speed ?

Do you have another XY pair to drop in to test that theory ?

-- Curt

>Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 21:59:52 -0800
>From: Mark E Davidson <>
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>Subject: VECTOR: Sega Star Trek SUPER SPEED (AKA Help!)
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Ok lets start out 2003 with one of the weirdest problems I have ever seen!
>Can anyone explain this..... The Star Trek Im restoring is throwing
>fits (when it it not doing other dumb things). It keep speeding up and
>slowing down.
>For example, In attract mode, Sega (normally) fills the screen, breaks
>into 4 Sega and forms a box. Well some times my game does that ant a
>normal speed and other time is happens twice as fast. This is not just
>isolated to the attract screen or any other screen ether. Sometimes it
>can continue through the entire attract mode, finishing the whole series
>of screens in 1/2 the time. Other times it will return to normal speed
>at will.... There is no rime or reason to how or when it starts or
>stops. and it happens in game play too.
>I pulled the CPU card and replace it with another I had, adding Clays
>Multi Sega kit to the new card as well. Still does the same thing.
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