Looking for a tube socket for Gravitar

From: Commander Dave <cmdr-dave_at_spamcop.net>
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 20:34:26 EST

Greetings all,

While fixing up my Gravitar, I noticed that the monitor would drop out, but
if you bumped it the picture would come back. Decided to do a cap kit
(needed it anyway), but when I pulled of the neckboard, I found one of the
metal connectors in the tube socket had broken. The tube doesn't have pins,
but rather a slide type job... never seen one.

Anyway, it don't look like it can be fixed, so I was wanting to know if
anyone has one of these tube sockets? Or are these common and I could order
one? Scrap from a TV shop maybe?

All suggestions appreciated,
-Commander Dave

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Received on Thu Jan 23 17:34:31 2003

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