Amplifone Fine Tuning

From: Jonathan Stanley <>
Date: Sat Mar 22 2003 - 10:35:02 EST

These are nit-picky items, but I'd sure appreciate suggestions as I have already read all the manuals and guides and recapped and reflowed my boards. I have adjusted X-size and Y-size on the deflection board, all 8 XY adjustments on the AVG board, and adjusted the convergence on the back of the monitor but still have these issues:

Raster Test Display:
The display is skewed. The farther down the screen the more it shifts to the right. I can improve it slightly with the linearity adjustments on the AVG board, but I can never get it fully square as shown in the manual.

Grid Pattern Test:
  This test shows 2 problems:
1) There are gaps in the grid - I cannot get the grid lines to line up exactly. The vertical line on the left doesn't touch at all. The vertical lines are also too long and pass through the bottom horizontal line. (This affects other tests as well such as Crosshatch).

2) With the grid set to white, I have good convergence at the center of the screen. The farther out I go the worse the convergence gets. It is worse in the vertical direction, but the problem affects the horizontal as well. Remember that convergence is perfect in the center of the screen.

(no picture)
How do I adjust rotation? The entire display needs to be rotated clockwise slightly - the left side "blue alignment dots" are lower than the right side.


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