Quantum bezel measurement/picture help please

From: joemagiera <joemagiera_at_ameritech.net>
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 19:57:31 EST

I'm trying to make a home made bezel for a Quantum. I would like to match
an original as best I could. If anyone has easy access to a Quantum with an
original bezel (the cardboard around the monitor) and a digital camera, can
you please take a couple of pictures and several measurements for me?

The picture I would like, is with the front glass removed and game off.
Take a picture that would include the full bezel to just beyond where it
sits in the cabinet so I can see how it sits on the cabinet. Remember,
please don't jam the list with pictures, please send directly to my e-mail
below (or post the link on the web to them).

There are two sets of measurements I could use. The first set is eight
measurements, two from each inside corner of the bezel. Measure from that
inside corner point of the bezel to the top of the bezel and to the side of
the bezel. I just want to get the length of the angled piece of cardboard,
not the flat part (the flat part is the piece that would be exactly vertical
when installed). I hope that makes sense. The second set is a measurement
of each of the four sides of the flat part of the bezel. I would like to
get the measurement (height and width) of each of those 4 flat parts of the

FYI, I suspect that the bezel is symmetrical and that measuring one vertial
and one horizontal for each set of measurements I need would be enough.

Thanks much!


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Received on Mon Mar 31 16:57:41 2003

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