Re: WG/Amplifone yoke

From: peter jones <>
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 06:21:14 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Joe" <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 03:39:46 -0500
Subject: VECTOR: WG/Amplifone yoke

> Has anyone taken apart a WG 6100 or Amplifone yoke to see how many turns
> of wire there are?
> Why I ask is I have a tube here with a 28mm neck that will otherwise
> work for vector, but the neck is too big to fit the yoke over. So, if I
> knew how many turns were on each winding, I could wind my own. But, I
> have no dead ones to donate to the cause.
> Anyone have any dead ones to donate?
i have never seen one fail,

anyway, it has nothing to do with the number of turns, it's relative to the wire guage and the yoke design.

what you need to measure is the inductance with a Q meter.

good luck, i have NEVER heard of anybody re-wiring a yoke by hand - it's a very precise piece of equipment!

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