RE: Star Wars Potentiometer Part Request

From: Steven Winslow <>
Date: Sat May 24 2003 - 12:38:02 EDT

Al !

I thought I read on here a while back that someone picked up a pot at Radio
Shack? I seem to recall that the pot worked just fine but required some
grinding down of the post because it was too long ? Don't know for sure
and I haven't checked it out myself... Couldn't hurt to give your local one
a call or check their catalog.

Let us know if in fact this is the case.


  At 01:00 AM 4/24/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Try to shoot contact cleaner into the pot as best you can. Move it back
>and forth while doing this. This has saved pots for me in the past. You
>should really use potentiometer cleaner, but I've used contact cleaner
>and it seems to work fine. Even though the pot is mostly sealed, some of
>the cleaner will tend to get in there. This also would work on flaky
>stereo controls, etc.
>Of course, if you are missing one all together, the cleaning wont work.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Al Warner []
>Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:48 AM
>Subject: VECTOR: Star Wars Potentiometer Part Request
>Hi Everyone,
>I really need at least 1 potentiometer for my Star Wars controller.
>just moved to Georgia and I'm planning on having a big house warming
>in June. I'd really like the game to be playing right and it's just
>started to respond badly. Does anyone have 1 or 2 of these that they
>could sell me? Please respond to me directly at
>Thank You,
>-Al Warner-
>PS - Any GA residents who might want to attend the party (Cumming, GA)
>please contact me. I need to meet some local game people.
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