Re: Major Havoc Whirlygig Owners

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 13:43:36 EDT

Yes, mine have flat spots in them. I tried to sand one down a little to make it smoother, but it just made the problem worse. Luckily, I had Mark Davidson fix my screwup. Right now I just have one of his opaque green rollers in my original roller assembly.. It works great, although it may have a flat spot in it now as well. I guess I don't play it enough if I can't remember :(
Mark- What did you do to my roller? Just grind it down uniformly and polish?

At 09:24 PM 6/16/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hey, anyone w/ a dedicated Major Havoc or an original whirlygig -- does your
>roller get 'flat' spots on it when sitting unused for a while?
>Mine does, and as a consequence it doesn't roll as smoothly as it could --
>kind of a thump-thump-thump as it rolls.
>If this is a common problem, and there is enough interest, I may look into
>(again) making some repro rollers -- of similar color and translucency.
>Bret Pehrson
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