Re: test to see if lists are still working And new story to pass the time

From: Mark E Davidson <>
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 16:22:17 EDT

I here you Rodger, although it has been very quite!

Since it is so quite, Ill share my arcade related (although not
specifically vector) vacation tragedy, as we all await out next vector
monitor to die :-)

Everyone lies a good story so, here is mine about last weeks trip from
NJ, FL, GA and stops in between.

The trip started out as a journey to pick up a Black Hole pinball
machine from Georgia, but blossomed into a trip of picking up and
dropping off games for friends along the way. Unfortunately things
didn't go as smoothly as planed.

            Safe passage was granted on the trip until FL. About ½ way
to Tampa congested traffic stopped short and I did as well. In fact the
18 wheeler behind me stopped in time too..... The 18 wheeler behind him
did not, plowing into the trailer directly behind me and launching the
cab on top of my trailer (that I just rebuilt thank you very much).

            The center of the front wheel ended up 3 feet into the
trailer with the rest of the cab in front of the wheels free to crush
the rest of the travelers on the trailer. Smushed in the crash were my
boys two bikes, but the rest of the load, which consisted of one very
nice Mappy and a Track and Field were pushed forward by the bumper of
the truck.

The damage to the games would have not been too bad if it wasn't pouring
like all hell.

Since all the sides of the trailer were now splinters on I95, I had no
choice but to lay the games on their side, which exposed the unwrapped
bottoms of the games. To worsen the carnage, the hermetically sealed bag
and plastic wrap, once keeping everything dry was now compromised in the
crash and left the top of Mappy exposed. I picked up the pieces, and
retarpped it all after getting my police report

            The Trailer is equally messed up with a giant hole through
the floor. The tong of the trailer is bent up, from the axle frame back
is bend down and the bottom axial fame is bent as well. As stated before
all but one of the stake sides are gone and one of the fenders and
mounts for the fenders got trashed as well. Basically, I'm going to need
to build a new trailer :-(

Anyway, that's the story of my summer vacation. The ride home was
uneventful, and no one was hurt in the crash.

Not looking for sympathy or anything, just sharing a story of a day of
game collecting gone bad. Lets hope for the best from insurance! Al
Warner took some pictures that are now on my site at for those who cant pass a car
crash without looking :-)

Rodger Boots wrote:

> Haven't seen any messages in quite a while, this is just a test.
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Received on Thu Aug 21 16:22:23 2003

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