Re: recognize these tubes?

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 14:17:12 EDT

A 19" tube cross references to a 25" tube??? Interesting.

Joe wrote:

>Looks like those two cross reference onto themselves... So, without the
>data sheet, it's tough to tell if they could be used.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: joemagiera []
>Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 11:53 AM
>Subject: VECTOR: recognize these tubes?
>I came across a couple of NOS tubes/yokes (in a non-video game
>Does anyone recognize them as usable with any vector chassis? If so,
>Westinghouse 25VCZP22
>FYI, there were probably a dozen or so other tubes there too, all
>chassis, most without yokes, just the tube itself. The above two were
>only ones I thought might even remotely fit the descrption of a vector
>monitor/tube (even though I don't ever recall anyone ever mentioning
>Westinghouse and vector monitors in the same conversation before).
>have any ideas what the tubes without yokes might be usable for?
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Received on Tue Aug 26 14:17:25 2003

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